Prof. Menacḥem Hoffnung

Professor of Political Science at the Hebrew University. Licensed to practice law, IDF major (retired). Served as head of the Department of Political Science at the Hebrew University between 2015-2017, as president of the Association for Israel Studies (AIS) between 2013-2015, as president of the Israeli Law and Society Association between 1998-2000 and 2007-2009, and as chairman of the international research committee for political financing and corruption – under the umbrella of the International Political Science Association (IPSA).

He served as both a visiting lecturer and research fellow at the Universities of Berkeley, UCLA, University of California in Irvine, the University of Florida, Paris Nanterre University, the Moscow University, and the University of Sydney. His list of publications includes studies on law and security policy in democratic regimes, politics and law, and the financing of parties and electoral systems.

The publications concerning law and society primarily attend to politics and law, and, more specifically, to what motivates different groups in Israeli society — including Knesset members, groups of interest, army individuals, Palestinians living in the territories, Palestinian collaborators who have been rehabilitated in Israel — turn to the legal system as a central channel for achieving both political and personal goals.